The story, so far...

Back in 1985 after growing up with a passion for cars, a small business was created, buying and lovingly restoring Classic air cooled VWs ,Beetles and campers.This love of cars and restoration led in 1988 to a trip to California, in search of some fine classics to offer in the UK. Porsche,Bentley,Mercedes, Jensen, Jaguar and Alfa Romeo, to name a few, all lovingly restored and found new owners in the uk. During the early 90's more modern cars (including those 80's hot hatches) and larger city high street showroom was the next phase. But the calling for a more relaxed environment led to a move back to the country and the next wave had begun... from 1996 the Sports car Import market was hotting up again , and this time with an early take up with an online presence on the internet it, was big business.  Our Lingfield showroom was Idyllically placed and the perfect relaxed "no pressure" environment rekindled !

Fast forward to 2019... 

 Now based since  2001 in the Glorious Kent countryside the passion continues still with the love of Classic cars,bikes,Photography,restoration and anything unusual or particularly nice. With a fluid collection and keen interest in the classic market the occasional car still finds its way here to the online studio..



 from our location near Edenbridge, on the Kent/Surrey borders, 25 minutes  SOUTH from M25 (J5 or 6)  25 minutes

 from the west Tunbridge wells (A21) and 10 mins from East Grinstead (A22). Also for European clients Gatwick airport is just 30 mins away .

 Although not listed here, full directions can be given on request of a viewing appointment

 Viewing is by appointment only

European and international enquiries welcome